So guys, just an update on everything. I have already turned in "Follow the Ashes" and should have a release date and more information for everyone sometime this summer. I am very excited, and am currently writing "Follow the Screams," and "The Harvested." Both deadlines are quickly approaching.
For those of you who may want to take a gander at my FaceBook page the last name has changed to Sowder so it can be found. Any likes we can get are much appreciated. Now, I do have a friend who wants to create an Executioner Fandom ASAP so let's help her out on that LOL! It would be cool to have a Fandom before the first book even comes out!
A lot of things have changed and working a forty hour a week job and writing has been difficult, but I seem to be doing okay. Even bought me a tablet and Bluetooth keyboard so I can write on my breaks at work.
As for the married life, it's been absolutely wonderful! My husband is the best I could've ever asked for. He has even had to nurse me back to health lately when back in April I was sick for the whole month and again today with a stomach virus.
All in all, things have been wonderful and very very busy. So busy I don't even have time to take part in one of my favorite past-times.....reading. Oh well, the sacrifices you make right?